Service Projects
We act in partnership with groups and communities most impacted by injustice on local, state, national, and international levels.
Faith in Action Service Projects
Tomato Supper in July
Grocery Cart Grand Prix in March
Weekly collection of food for the food pantry
Collaboration on use of GMUUC as a Warming Center
Holiday “Adopt a Family” program
Opportunity Lumpkin Mentor Program
Support GOTV efforts through UU the Vote and Newtown Florist Club by writing letters and postcards, working at the polls, texting to encourage voting.
Received UU the Vote’s “Good Trouble” award in 2022 for meeting the high standard to involve our congregation and community in our GOTV efforts.
Transgender Day of Remembrance Vigil in November
Support Gainesville/Dahlonega PFLAG
Show up at LGBTQ+ events
Continue to be a “Welcoming Congregation” which supports inclusion
Host LGBTQ/PFLAG social events
Collaborate with their Voter Education & Engagement efforts
Participate in King Day events in January
Support civil rights, affordable housing efforts in Gainesville
Support bed builds on our parking lot
Members participate in bed builds, delivering and putting together the bed
Collect linens and pillows for the twin beds
Supporting children and adults in various social activities throughout the year.
Support homeless neighbors through donations of supplies and funding
Craft Days every other month.
Other work of our Faith in Action group:
Gather Courageous Love Nominations and give a Courageous Love Award each year to an individual or group who is helping make a difference.
Provide current information to the congregation on events and actions that support our 7 Principles
Attend monthly non-profit collaborative meetings for Lumpkin County
Promote and contribute to UU Service Committee through “Guest at Your Table” event each year
Participate in UU Georgia Legislative Action Network
Support local non-profit organizations through donating our time and Share the Plate funding
Communiy Helping Place
Newtown Florist Club
Sleep in Heavenly Peace
Freedom University
Interested in joining a group or finding out more about how you can volunteer? CLICK HERE to complete the Growth Through Service survey!