Pledge 2024-Bob D
Pledge2024-Melissa Line
2024-2025 Pledge Drive
Dear Members and Friends,
What a year it has been for GMUUC as we found new ways to “Lead in Love'' with each other and in the greater community. We welcomed 28 new members! Attendance at weekly Worship, Religious Education classes and Fellowship activities has increased. We shared in celebrations and comforted each other in honoring the lives of friends lost.
In October, we hosted 200 children and adults for a community ‘Trunk or Treat’ event, taking full advantage of our new building and firepit. New Faith in Action opportunities emerged such as our partnership with PFLAG of Gainesville as we securely hosted their monthly support meetings. In collaboration with Community Helping Place and other local churches, we provided overnight shelter, food and use of our shower and laundry facilities to unsheltered neighbors during January’s frigid nights.
One year ago, Rev. Charlotte became GMUUC’s first full-time minister! This long-held dream was made possible by the generosity of members and friends who gave $62,000 in one-time gifts to subsidize this transition over three years. With your continued generosity, the plan to grow into a balanced budget for the fiscal year starting July 2026 remains on track.
Today we kick off our Pledge Drive for the fiscal year starting July 2024. Your pledge is a statement of intent of what you will give and allows our Board of Trustees and Rev. Charlotte to plan programs, staffing and community outreach for the coming year. Since GMUUC is 100% self-funded, meeting the mission-based goals described in the Pledge Drive brochure is entirely up to us!
If you haven’t pledged before, we invite you to join us now in doing so. And we ask those that have previously pledged to consider increasing your commitment. Please pledge generously, knowing that if your circumstances change, you can adjust your pledge.
You can submit your confidential pledge by Sunday, April 21st in one of three ways:
Online at:
Complete the pledge form and mail to: 3155 Morrison Moore Pkwy East, Dahlonega, GA 30533.
Drop your form in the pledge box at the Pledge Drive table.
If you have any questions about pledging, drop by the Pledge Drive table on Sundays, or email Robin Kottman ( .
Thank you for supporting our beloved Congregation,
Robin Kottman, Denise Miles & Gayle Gannaway, Pledge Drive Team members