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Covenant Groups

“Covenant groups are a transformational practice through which we, with others, can discover our own underlying assumptions about reality and examine our ways of being, some of which have become so habitual that they seem to us just ‘the way things are.’ The practice of Small Group Ministry does ask us to suspend judgment long enough to hear respectfully the understandings of others, even those vastly different from our own.”

— Robert Hill, The Complete Guide to Small Group Ministry: Saving the World Ten At a Time


What are Covenant Groups?

Covenant Groups are intentionally formed, relational groups of 8-12 people whose members explore a variety of topics. Covenant Groups build and strengthen All Souls UU Church as members deepen their relationships and become more connected to the larger church community. Groups are led by a trained facilitator who is also a member of the group.

In addition to helping its members grow their theology and deepen their personal faith, the covenant group serves as a caring network; members care for, and are cared for by, other group members. Covenant group members also become more connected to the larger Unitarian Universalist Community.


Is becoming a member of a Covenant Group right for me?

  • Are you ready to explore your spiritual depths with a group of fellow spiritual seekers?

  • Are you willing to listen responsively to others without interrupting them?

  • Are you ready to share your life journey with others who are willing to share their life journeys with you?

  • Are you willing to be stretched in your understanding of what it means to live life fully and responsibly?

  • Would you like to help others grow in their spiritual journeys?

If you answered “yes” to even one of these questions, then becoming a covenant group member may be just what you have been searching for.

Our Current Covenant Groups


The Flames Covenant Group meets monthly on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. This small group provides a format with which we nurture connections and explore spirituality within our congregations and beyond. It is acknowledged that we are all striving to make sense of things and to be better people. We are asked to suspend judgment long enough to hear respectfully the understandings of others, even those vastly different from our own. We covenant to hold our conversations in confidentiality.

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