Inspire Connection
Responsible for maintenance, minor repairs, and improvement to the building; manage IT and security systems; safety team.
Provide services within the congregation that nurture, communicate, and honor one another in times of joy, sorrow,
Publish notification of events and circulation of other important information within the Church membership; as appropriate, disseminate information to the public at large. “Publication” refers to print, online, and social media venues.
Denominational Affairs
Advise Board and other members regarding the events and programs of the Unitarian Universalist Association.
Organize social and recreational activities which build camaraderie and connections among our members.
Design and plant landscape; maintenance of grounds.
Welcome members and guests on Sunday mornings! Click HERE to sign up!
Develop programs for welcoming new members and guests; develop and pursue follow-up protocol for visitors and newcomers; hold informational meetings for those interested in membership and plan new member ceremonies. In consultation with the minister, the committee is responsible for the scheduling of regular classes for education in Unitarian Universalist principles, liturgy, traditions, and history for potential, incoming and interested current members. Supports Growth through Service
Stewardship / Fundraising
Organize, promote, and manage scheduled fundraising initiatives; review proposals and assist with one-off events.
Tech Team
Sub-team of Worship Ministry; manage audio visual and computer technology support for Sunday Worship; support Zoom and computer technology in Meeting Room as needed; support GMUUC tech needs as requested for special events.
Worship Ministry
Work with minister to Plan Sunday worship services; coordinate guest speakers when Minister is not in the pulpit; communicate and coordinate with Minister, RE Associate and Music Director.